Thursday, May 20, 2010

Child and discipline

What we mean generally by a disciplined behavior is that the way a person conducts himself, by not being discourteous and by being sensitive to other people’s feelings, He will not indulge in activities harmful to others or himself.
While bringing up a child we are faced with the predicament of how to achieve this task effectively. A child comes into this world knowing nothing. For him good and bad or one and the same. Whatever he learns he does by observing and absorbing his environment. So fore most it is essential to provide an atmosphere of peace, harmony calmness and beauty for him to become inwardly peaceful.
Yet toddlers are basically raw, savage like,[hard hit parents will vouch for that] use their brutal power and tantrums to get their ways. Getting them to understand and adapt to civilized behavior demands hard work.
               Let us understand a toddler. His vocabulary is limited; He expresses everything through crying, shouting biting [Uses his mouth in every way] He uses his hands and legs too to force his way, kick, grab.hit [exactly how our prehistoric ancestors did. He is egocentric, never likes to share his things with others. Not only that, he wants everything he sees around, for himself. Parents know that it is a very difficult job to convince or distract him.
By disciplining him we mean that he will behave well not only when the teacher or the parents are around. But to create an internal discipline, which will help him, carry through life successfully
Neither too pessimissive attitude, which results in creating obnoxious behavior which the parents themselves regret later, not too strict or harsh treatment which the children grudges for years to come is advisible.what is important is to strike a balance. Always appreciate and reward good behavior. Set rules in the very beginning. Follow them with consistence and firmness. Allow openhearted discussion. Always explain your stand. Why you want certain behavior, what consequences you think will happen otherwise. Very often motivate them by what you expect out of them. Gently guiding them in the path of good. Wherever possible use tact. Listen to them without opinionating and seek to understand them. Accept them as they are. Let them be themselves. Allow individual differences. Never be over demanding never push your choice on them. Understand the limitations of their age and immaturity. Be age appropriate. Do not over expect. Be realistic
                From very young age create proper eating hours and bedtime routine. This will stand good in the long run. Children learn lot of bad behavior from the media too. So at least in the younger years take care that they are not exposed to violence and other bad influences

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