Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Topic -Fruit.So many ways of teaching concepts in preschool

Aim: To teach recognition and names of  some fruits to non English speaking children

Methods: Stories, games, activities, rhymes, book reading

Activity 1- Story: Tweet bird
Materials needed: Models/flash cards There was a tweedy bird which was very hungry.So he went to the peacock and asked for some food.The peacock gave him some mangoes.The bird ate all the mangoes.Then he went to the parrot.It gave him some apples.[ Like this it goes to different birds and the birds give different fruits-as the child keeps learning. This should be done while showing the models /pictures of birds/fruits]

Learning Benefit:  Recognition of fruits and birds

Activity 2:Rhymes
Materials needed: Models
Pluck the mango fruit  from the tree and put it into the basket. [to the tune of here we go round the mulberry tree] Add bananas ,oranges , pine apples/strawberries,[ pluck them off the bush,] .
Method: while saying the name of the fruits I always insist on adding the word fruit so that children will categorize them as fruits and will not confuse with vegetables. while singing this rhyme we can show flashcards/models.Include colors of different fruits, number of fruits for counting, prepositions and acting it out]

Straw berries are red and sweet [improvise to include colors of different fruits [to the tune of London bridge]

 Activity 3:Story- A very hungry caterpillar
Materials needed: Book , Models, big Flash boards of  #s
 SHOWING written 1-2 along with fruits[children learn to recognize # along with fruits
Learning Benefit:  Recognition of fruits, Caterpillar life cycle

Activity 4:Prewriting-
Materials needed: worksheets ,crayons.
lines color to fruit ,# to fruits, alphabets to fruits
Learning Benefit:  Recognition of fruits Prewriting

Activity 5: Alphabets
Materials needed: , big Flash boards of  fruits with names  & alphabets written , pictures without words & words without  pictures ( so that children learn to recognize word s and also match them to fruits )

Activity 6:Big/small
Materials needed: big and small pictures of each fruits
Matching pictures of big fruit with small fruit

Activity 7: Colors
Materials needed: Models, big Flash boards pictures of colors and also fruits
Matching colors to fruits

Activity 8: Thinking skills
Materials needed: Models /pictures
1.Sorting green and red apples. Learning Benefit:  Recognition of  apple fruit colors, sorting skill
2. Matching fruit to fruit and two halves of a fruit Learning Benefit:  Recognition of fruits.
3. Sorting different fruits into groups. Learning Benefit:  Recognition of fruits, sorting skill
4. Treasure hunting fruit. Learning Benefit:  Recognition of fruits, detective skill, fun
5. What fruit is missing?Method :Place the models of same # of fruits in two baskets. Start by removing one by one.Child to identify the missing fruits.
 Learning Benefit:  Recognition of fruits, detective skill
6.Gradation- From Biggest to smallest or from smallest to Biggest
Learning Benefit:  Recognition of fruits, gradation skill
7.Pattern : With two fruits. Learning Benefit:  Recognition of fruits, sorting skill

Activity 9 : Book Reading - Count with Dora,
 Materials needed: Book , Models, big Flash boards of  #s, animals
Learning Benefit:  Recognition of fruits, numbers and animals.

Activity 10: Book Reading-Recorded pictures of different fruits in G.K books.
Materials needed: Book
Learning Benefit:  Recognition of fruits,

Activity: 11
MATERIALS NEEDED: models, baskets
Place lots of fruits in the middle. Children stand in circle around the fruits.

Sing the song-There are many colorful fruits shining in the shop
If one mango fruit should ___________(name) take away [One child takes away a fruit]
There are many colorful fruits shining in the shop
If one apple fruit should ___________(name of some other child ) take away
{To the tune of “There are 10 green bottles”[This is just for fruit recognition]

Learning Benefit:  Recognition of fruits, waiting for turns, following directions

MATERIALS NEEDED: models, baskets
Place lots of fruits in the middle. Children stand in circle around the fruits

There are 10 ripe mangoes shining in the shop
 If one mango fruit should ___________(name) take away [One child takes away a fruit]
There are 9 ripe mangoes shining in the shop
 If one mango fruit should ___________( another name) take away  [& so on]

Learning Benefit:  Recognition of fruits and numbers, waiting for turns, following directions

MATERIALS NEEDED: models, baskets
Place lots of fruits in the middle. Children stand in circle around the fruits

 There are many colorful fruits shining in the shop
If ___________(name) comes along and  take the red fruit  away [One child takes away a fruit]
If ___________(name) comes along and  take the yellow fruit  away [repeat with other colors]

Learning Benefit:  Recognition of fruits and colors, waiting for turns, following directions.

 GAME 4.
MATERIALS NEEDED: models, baskets
Place lots of fruits in the middle. Children stand in circle around the fruits

Put one mango [1 mango/2 bananas [ variation-red color fruit/green etc.] inside the box and then move away.[Each child takes away different # of fruits]

 MATERIALS NEEDED: Cut out of a tree in the middle of the class room and fruits.

Hang one mango on the tree [1 mango/2 bananas [red color fruit/green etc.] on the tree.

Learning Benefit:  Recognition of fruits, colors, numbers and preposition, waiting for turns, following directions

1 comment:

  1. wonderful.I am amazed at these innovative and simple ways of teaching children. All the best.
