Children experience seperation anxiety upto 5 years because they do not have an idea of object permanency. when you leave them for the first time in school they think that you have abandoned them
Prepare your child ahead of time. Much earlier before your child start school talk of all good things about school.Also tell them you cannot be present with your child in school and that you will lways return to pick them up.You can also add that it is important for his growth as a person and that you also miss him too. But you allow this situation since you believe that he needs to grow into a greater person
Do not linger in school premises for a long time.I you have to talk to the teacher you can either do it over the phone or when you come to pick up your child
Be very cool about leaving your child . Otherwise your child/s anxiety will only increase. Understand that this is necessary for your child and he has to outgrow this phase of dependency .Your child will react to your body language ,and you cannot satisfy him with superficial words.So be really cool.
Promise to come back soon before leaving and always keep up your promise. the child will learn to value your words, If you cannot keep up your promise due to unavoidable circumstances always make it a habit to sjncerely apologize.
Let the child take to school something thatwill comfort him like a toy or your scarf or kerchief with your perfume , that can reminded him of your presence when you are not around. in a comfort bag.. The infant is able to soothe herself with memories of being with her mother and the knowledge that her mother will return
Give the child experiences of separation for short spans of time. much before the school starts.. Doing this in increments is good.Also let him play by himself independently. You just be around and not involve yourself in his play.
Do not sneak out without his knowledge Sneaking out when your child is distracted with something could make separation anxiety worse, he will think that you have abandoned him, disappearing without saying goodbye will intensify the fear.He will also be angry with you for taking him for a ride.It will be a real task to make him trust you after that.
Your child should be physically fit before you leave. Well fed and after nice sleep. With no fever or cold
Be understanding Do not mock or criticize
Do not bribe
Be Positive Do not talk wayawardly about the school in front of your child. Let your child know that you trust the people in school take good care of him.
Be firm--. Say a warm good-bye and leave
In the first few months of schooling ,take care not to go too early to leave your child or too late to recieve him.Go just at the starting time ,not 10 mts earlier or 15 mts later I mean do not be the first person to leave or the last person to recieve,for your child will feel lonely and left out..I would not be surprised if it will be difficult for you to convince him to go to school after that experience.
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