Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Delivering learning responsibility to children

Montessori is all about Delivering learning responsibility to children themselves and not taking it in our hand. Whenever the adults interfered by too much caring for the  child , it ended up in disaster. When we feel responsible for  feeding the children, putting them to sleep, entertaining them, they always returned it with either over doing or being finicky .We should learn to let go. The same goes for learning also. Children have vast capacity for observation, vocabulary and absorption. All we have to do is provide them with a suitable atmosphere conducive for learning and step in only when anything is not put to proper use.
This way they learn much better and faster. So lot of care should be taken in preparing the environment, taking care to provide appropriate good quality materials according to the children’s age, capability and readiness. No over/under doing. In an environment that is natural, airy, comfortably furnished, enough brightness and moving space.
Until the child settles down materials displayed can be practical life objects and building blocks.
Initial learning materials can be for learning shapes and color, matching and gradation, look and tell story picture books /cards. Children can learn lot of vocabulary from this.
A story telling session based on what the teacher wants to impart .The instructor can also act out a scene ,a story/rhyme [that is based on reality] with lot of props.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Friday, October 12, 2012

Monday, October 1, 2012

Is Preschool Necessary?

Benjamin S. Bloom of the University of Chicago, wrote in 'Stability and Change in man Characteristics”, "From conception to age four, the individual develops 50% of his  
nature and intelligence; from ages four to eight he develops another 30%..." This 
suggests  the very  rapid growth of intelligence in the early years and the great influence 
of the environment in development.
Dr Montessori described the child’s mind between the time of birth and six years of age
 as  the absorbent mind. It is during this stage the child has tremendous ability to learn and assimilate from the world around him without conscious effort. They create their own opportunity to challenge and develop.
1.     Children need interaction with their peer group for their emotional and mental growth.
2.     The first step in being away from the family on their own for a comfortable short duration boost their confidence.
3.     The child benefits from the intellectual stimulation, guidance, learning materials and environment a school provides.
4.     Mothers get free time to engage in activities closer to their heart and by the time they come to collect the children they will be refreshed.