Friday, September 28, 2012


AMBIENCE- The atmosphere of the school is closer to home so that a child would find the shift from home to school easy

CURRICULUM-American preschool curriculum. English medium. Children catch up the language with ease.

CARE TAKERS- Amiable, spontaneous and genuine. Children are very comfortable with them and adjust to school easily.

INDIVIDUAL TEACHING- Each child is taught individually .Limited number of children per adult. Teaching through fun and interesting activities

Children are prepared for future challenges like facing L.K.G  interviews.

PARENT INVOLVEMENT –Parents are encouraged to involve in school activities

CAREFUL RECORDING of children's play experiences and what they reveal about their inner and outer worlds

CHILD-CENTERED PROGRAM –The whole environment is carefully prepared to comfort and interest the child. Frequent opportunities for serendipity, spontaneity, and fun, honoring the integrity, wholeness, and wisdom of young children. Letting children choose their own activities

SENSORIAL -Lots of multisensory experiences

Child’s Birth day  can be celebrated  on request by parents.

Mission Statement

Welcome to Little Folks Preschool

LITTLE FOLKS AIMS to aid in the holistic development of the child.The development of the child’s sense of order, their concentration, coordination and independence and enable him/her to realize his/her maximum potential so that he/she will not only be ready to meet the demands of any academic course in future easily but also find the whole process of learning very interesting.

A happy child is a healthy child,  A happy child is a confident child. And happiness fosters a clear mind and sharpens the intellect.

LITTLE FOLKS STRIVE FOR : children’s joy, Parent’s satisfaction