Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Little Folks -The childrens house-About us

Little Folks is  functioning from an actual home , making  it   easy  for adjustment  by  children  when they first step out of their home premises into a school.
The teachers are  montessori trained .One adult for every 6 children.
The atmosphere is pleasing, clean and cozy.
Children feel very much at home,moving as they please and learning as per their aptitude and convenience.
Each child is taught individually.They are given plenty of choises  in learning through activities,games,stories
Educational toys, Art  materials.
Conversation time is a regular feature.This improves vocabulary,skill in managing their emotions ,sharing of ideas,and learning about their environment.
Lot of simple easy experiments and recipies  are done by children.
The behavior of the child is our guide and we impart whatever  interests the child most, in whichever way that interest them.So absolutely no force and the child learns most willingly.
There is a set curriculam.But everyday there will be lot of innovations,and room for expanding ,syllabus is absolutely flexible to follow interests revealed by the child.Here the teacher can decide independently on what she needs to impart
                   From day one children are encouraged to follow social etiquettes and politeness.Help,and share with each other what they have.
Fun gross and fine motor exercises.self dependency  through  self help/