Thursday, March 18, 2010

Toddlers and learning

Teaching children between 2 to 5 is not like teaching older children. Children of this age learn naturally by absorbing the surrounding, through conversations and play, more than by instructions. Their attention span is limited.
 They do not know the concept of  obedience or sitting in one place for the given length of time.  They are learning subconsciously at this stage .The teachers need to be very tactful, should know how to captivate a child’s interest and present lessons repeatedly in various modes without tiring the children.The networking of the brain is fastest in the first 3 years. So teachers should take best advantage of this period and stimulate their natural inquisitive interest in learning and desist from formal teaching.

I personally believe that learning is a natural process and should be taught that way without making the children as if it is some kind of a task,at least for this young in age..Children show a natural enthusiasm for learning everything around them.To keep it alive there should be absolutely no force.Some parents by being too very insistant take the joy out of learning like they do it out of eating. Of course they do this because they care too much.Most problems arise in these areas ,when parents try to push more than the child's realistic     limits.

Children learn easily when a subject is presented in the form of a story,song ,games or when you discuss with them in a casual way inter mingling the facts you want to present.Also most important is that they work with their hands, see with their eyes ,hear the names ,sing the topic,and involve as many senses possible.The key word is experience.

Things children love to do

1. Dancing

2. Music

3. Conversation

4. Stories

5. Helping adults

6. Exhibiting their knowledge

7. Imitating adults

8. Appreciation

9. Being listened to

10. Group games

11. Rhymes

12. Painting

13. Carrying heavy items

14. New techno crafts

15. Slates and chalk

16. Sand play

17. Water play

18. Ball play

19. Building blocks

20. Dolls

21. Toy cars, trains, etc

22. Make belief play

23. Love to simply run around